Kane Engelbert Photography Blog: Fine Art America = Fine Art Prints? Not Really.
If you're in the market for a photography print, you may come across a site call Fine Art America (fineartamerica.com). Let's explore what this site is about and how its products vary from Fine Art Prints that many Landscape and Nature Photographers, like myself, are offering to clients.
Fine Art America Product Offerings
Fine Art America offers a variety of print mediums. Everything from cell phone cases, t-shirts, jigsaw puzzles, holiday ornaments, wall decor, canvas prints, posters, etc. Much like Etsy, these are sold by independent artists. You can shop any individual artists shop to see their product offerings and make a selection of any thing they may offer.
These products are printed on demand once the client purchases the item. The artist doesn't typically have a relationship with the print lab and once your order is place, has nothing more to do with the order than collecting their portion of the funds once fees are removed.

Canyonlands to the snow capped La Sal Mountains by Kane Engelbert.
Kane Engelbert sells Fine Art Prints on high-quality, museum archival grade metal and acrylic print mediums that are sure to last you lifetimes.
Fine Art Prints on Fine Art America?
Can you find images on Fine Art America that are considered Fine Art? The answer is yes, likely. But will it produce a fine art print? Likely not.
Fine Art Photography and high-quality photo printing is best done by professional, world-class photographers like Kane Engelbert who work to maintain relationships directly with the labs their images are printed at. Kane prints with labs using the highest quality, museum archival grade print mediums like HD Metal Prints and Acrylic prints that make images come to life.
Where to Buy Fine Art Prints?
If you're looking for a truly special fine art print, trust a professional photographer that works directly with the print lab and tends to each and every image produced like Kane Engelbert.
If you're looking for a coffee mug, puzzle, cell phone case, then maybe check out places like Fine Art America or Etsy, but if you're looking to invest in a piece of Fine Art that connects you with a special memory, time, place or dream, stick with a professional, world-class photographer who has invested in their business, their own personal website and resources to bring you the very best money can buy in fine art prints.

El Diente is a big 14er in the San Miguel Mountains Range in Colorado. The 14,165-ft peak is located in the Lizard Head wilderness of the San Juan National Forest, nearby the tiny town of Dunton. "El Diente" is Spanish for "The Tooth", a reference to the shape of the peak.
With years of experience around the Colorado and American Southwest landscapes, Kane Engelbert brings you exclusive images where few photographers have gone.
Check out Kane Engelbert's full online art gallery and bring home the perfect fine art print to transform your home or business.